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The Journey of the soul

Auteur(e.s) du livre Interview Bill Plotkin
Type de ressource Vidéo
Résumé du livre Soul initiation is an essential and hazardous spiritual adventure that most modern cultures have forgotten. Eco-psychologist Bill Plotkin discusses this mythopoetic, life-altering journey which he beautifully explicates in his new book, Journey of Soul Initiation. I chose to commence Season Four with this riveting, deep and edgy dialogue what is and what creates a true adult. Bill’s humility and radical honesty shine through as he describes his own soul journey and the evolvement of how to guide others through the mind-heart-and-life-altering process of preparation, descent, metamorphosis and enactment. His book weaves information about this process and features an in-depth exploration and radically new understanding of Carl Jung’s Red Book. May this episode inspire and awaken all who hear it.
Commentaires En anglais, mais il est possible de paramétrer la traduction des sous-titres en français.
Niveau intérêt ***
Des liens pour aller plus loin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNBQCAT9UiM
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